"Don't just do something, Stand There!"

Hard advice for the sorcerer's apprentice to take...


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Nate Hagens has been doing a series of podcasts, the later ones with video, called The Great Simplification. Most are interviews, over 100 now. I've found many of these valuable. One recently was with a climate scientist who was hot on his new scheme to sequester CO2 by enhancing the population of whales--about the only creatures that dive very deep to the sea floor, then come up to breathe, bringing up nutrients to the surface--mostly their shit, as I recall--where the nutrients can unite with the other necessary element for plant growth, sunlight. I am a fervent opponent of geoengineering, much of which would have horrific risks and side effects, but this gambit would have the side effect of there being a lot more whales--sounds good! Another reason to oppose military maneuvers and shipping and oil drilling that endanger whales.

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Big trees, big animals, and eons of time seem to be the way Gaia manages the climate and environment.

But obviously "Not invented here" and "Can't make any money from it" are huge obstacles to copying any successful system. And this isn't even a human developed, fossil fuel powered, AI enhanced system. Obviously impractical for our exceptional species.

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