I can't take this seriously He says we need to come at this with fresh minds--and then he proposes capitalist solutions, including a technofix geoengineering scheme mentioned near the end. If things like helping indigenous and smallholder, peasant farmers hang on and properly steward their land were going to generate a profit, it would already be happening. Every day I see a fresh illustration of the reality that We Cannot Combat Climate Change (AND the other environmental catastrophes) Without Ditching Capitalism. We also need to ditch militarism, especially here in the US, and this gets no mention except for militaries being among the institutions that should be part of the solution. SRM may help cool the planet in the short term but is replete with serious risks, including the risk (certainty) that any use of it will be used to justify doing nothing to cut emissions, and the risk of stirring up international tensions; no doubt with nothing deep changing, it will also work to exacerbate inequality.

And the image illustrates a key part of the cause not mentioned here--too many humans. We can't solve THAT problem without horrific killing of humans, in the short run--but we could begin plans to slowly reduce our numbers, which it seems to me is something every intelligent species would do. But of course, the moniker Homo SAPIENS was bestowed by humans on humanity--much like those hierarchies made up by white peoplethat put white people at the apex of creation and other races lower, or one I recently read about in which a Zionist in an illegal settlement explained that Jews were at the top and the rest of us in between and Palestinians at the bottom with other animals.

All these false solutions come from the same place--a desire to correct the climate problem while not reducing consumption at all, a determination that The American Way of Life is Not Negotiable. Therefore there is an attempt to negotiate with the laws of physics and biology.

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Your first sentence is absolutely correct. The prescient and obvious omission are the two prerequisites for having any hope of complex life form extension aversion.

Absolute ban on fossil fuel extraction

Sequestering carbon from the atmosphere forming into available solid.

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Well put. We must not allow any more industrial complexes. No nationwide grid for renewable.s. Micro grids and individual energy independence are the obvious environmentally friendly solution.

By removing extraction of fossil fuel all plastics will be replaced with alternative eco-friendly products like hemp fiber, vegetable oil plastic, reused sterilized glass. Endless. Magnitudes more product friendly. This could be done now.

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OK. So, let's reduce-no, let's cut consumption to the barebone.

"I recently read about in which a Zionist in an illegal settlement explained that Jews were at the top and the rest of us in between and Palestinians at the bottom with other animals." There is so much Jew-hating propaganda out there. Seriously, I feel like we are all living in Weimar Germany. Any day now, the Final Solution will be proposed to answer the Jewish Question.

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Wow. Israel is currently engaged in a Final Solution, anyone who points out that a genocide is ongoing and proposes it be stopped risks losing a job, being suspended, possibly arrest and certainly will be labeled an antisemite (or self-hating Jew)--and you think the JEWS are endangered? I guess if we were all not such Jew haters we'd be working with Israel to slaughter every last Palestinian, hand over their belongings to the Israelis, and then start on the Palestinian diaspora. I have little doubt that antisemitism is on the rise--and 100% of this is because of the actions of Israel, and the global campaign to equate Zionism with Judaism and Jewish identity.

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David, Mary, genocide is always bad, on this I am sure we all agree. But this is not the right place to start an adversarial thread on this matter.

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Nothing creates terrorists like crimes against humanity….

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You mean like the Jews are the Palestinians? Shut the fuck up

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And that is relevant to the eminent climate disaster how?

Take that bullshit elsewhere

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I agree! That's why I called out the part of Mary Wildfire's comment that began, "...I recently read about in which..."

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Grow vegetables. Ride a bike. Be a friend.

Let the big things take care of themselves.

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Not possible. The corporate planet reapers are responsible for the dynamic and the only participants that can change it. Our job is to not compromise and ensure they do.

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Outlive them. Be too small to bother with. Know, but don't attack. They have the edge, but they kill each other sometimes, too. If everything breaks, they are particularly helpless.

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That’s not a long-term solution for life on the planet. That’s my goal. Do you realize flora and Fana are disappearing faster than any time in recorded history. Over 3 billion years worth of history. 69% of all animal populations have disappeared since 1970.

The extinction rate is 350 times the process in 1800. That’s only 224 years ago.

There are two absolute prerequisites to achieve any odds whatsoever of complex lifeforms surviving the next millennia.

Obviously, stop the extraction of fossil fuels.

sequester carbon to the tune of at least 2,5 trillion tons from the atmosphere.

Unarguable realities when the data points are correlated.

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I tried to like your comment, but was blocked from it. I seek Divine Guidance. I am very much paying attention, always have, and want our species to rise to the occasion of becoming stewards of life on Earth.

Our species is stuck in an apex-predator control paradigm, where a few humans manage the ecosystem by finding ways to kill off a lot of other humans with wars, plagues, famine, and now bioweapons. Turning off the electricity for half a year would kill most of us, too.

I have really meditated on this and seek Divine Guidance because I am relatively intelligent, educated and informed for a human, but that is nowhere near enough. The human apex-predators on the herds of grazing humans have control of the operations for now.

That is why I follow those very simple steps. They do change one's own consciousness and capabilities on the path of life. I also meditate on compassion.

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Overthrow them. It’s not hard or complicated.

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Disingenuous fossil fuel fellation tool douche canoe is not going to look good on your résumé.

There are two prerequisites which are absolute in having a single 10th of a percentage of averting extension of complex lifeforms on this rock.

The absolute end of fossil fuel extraction.

Sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere for me it into a valuable solid. Such as carbon fiber.

Ecosystem restoration is important for saving the complex lifeforms IF, we perform the prerequisites mentioned. They are not correlated otherwise.

A special place in hell for fossil fuel fluffer bois.

Phuk you.

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“Nothing to do with capitalism” *

It is imperialism

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Another major industrial input is the last thing we need. The restoration of the ecosystem on a bio regional level is a must for deep ecology. Stopping the sixth grade math distinction at some point. However, Its correlation to the climate catastrophe is slight. The sequestration of carbon is insignificant. The cooling effects of shade and biomass do not have a single percentage relevance to the sequestration of carbon by mankind. That’s the main causation. You are dismissing it as a factor of many. It’s not.

I think you’re a fossil fuel sock puppet.

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That’s a bit complex. Simplicity is elegance. Even the simplest possibly effective measures are extremely heavy lift.

*Obviously, top the extraction of fossil fuels.

* Sequester carbon from the atmosphere turning into a viable solid

* Dispersion of ultrafine glacial rock dust over as much of the planet as possible. Highly alkaline correctly both soil and ocean pH, adding micro nutrients to both habitats and most importantly, if done precisely, a controlled reduction in the amount of sunlight hitting the surface of the planet.

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Unlike much of what is currently being pursued, this actually seems doable.

With the exception of the geoengineering piece near the end, it has the benefit of being a completely natural and thus low-risk pathway. And unlike (for example) covering the planet in solar collectors and windmills, it offers an actual solution and at the same time is not ruinously expensive.

I think the anti-capitalists here don't need to get too excited about his one incidental mention of the "C-word"--it doesn't seem like that is central to his proposals. I think he just tossed that out there hoping to reel in a few doubters for which nothing is worth doing unless a profit can be shown.

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Stop speaking on top of you don’t understand. All you had to do was sit quietly and not bother.

You could’ve only been suspected a fool. But No, you had to confirm it!

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God bless that man! This is exciting.

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Exciting? Why is that? Is he sucking your dick too?

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Please Hudson, stop using this kind of language, otherwise I'll have to block you.

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Thank you for this, Rob. You mention that half the latent heat released on condensation in the upper atmosphere escapes into space. Do you have a source for this? My understanding is that traditional meteorology sees that heat returning to the earth. Indeed, rather than a planetary cooling, they see it as a planetary heating. It's remarkable how little explicit information there is on this.

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You don't really need sources. It is well known -- it is the same phenomenon that makes temperatures lower at the top of mountains. It is because the fraction of radiation that escapes to space has to cross a thinner slice of atmosphere.

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Cost away all credibility as if you had any, when you said “you really don’t need sources”

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No it’s not. It’s about the inversion layers of the atmosphere. He has nothing to do with radiant heat. Fuck. No wonder we can’t have anything nice

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Thanks, Ugo. I guess I'm a little confused. I've had meteorologists tell me the heat encounters a temperature inversion and dives back to Earth.

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In part yes, of course! But the infrared radiation has to leave Earth somehow. And it does.

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But don't worry about being confused. Atmospheric physics is one of the trickiest subjects I ever discovered. I am confused myself about many things in the field.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

Someone said: "It is easier to imagine the end of the world, than to imagine the end of capitalism".

So the devil's advocate would comment the great narrative and call for action of the post above, possibly with:

"what is the business case?", "how should all the innovative top global companies and competitive nations contribute and keep making a decent profit/GDP out of that?"

Ugo, that could be one humble seed of another good post: the clash between,

- the existing mega-machine AI (the globally interconnected intent and agency of our corporate and societal/economical constructions, where even the top CEOs end up being mere pieces on the chess board) driving our living world to the (Seneca) cliff,

- the Gaia as the existing eco-system, mega organism of all living and material forms interacting between each other on the planet.

Like the dominant part of the "mind" is the cancer for the whole supporting body...

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If you write it, we can publish it!

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That word is used incredibly improperly. Rape and pillage is not capitalism. Rape and pillage is our current macro economic model. Capitalism requires a true free market and thoughtfully emplaced consumer protections that are thoughtfully emplaced, harshly punished if violated.

This has nothing to do with can’t believe them. Take your agitprop gibberish elsewhere.

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As I said, please stop using this language.

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There’s nothing in proper in their entire reply.

Fuck you, Ugo.

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The quote on capitalism is not mine.

I also stand by the power and real meaning of words, like outstandingly well reminded in this essay from Roc Sandford from Sept 2020: Extinctionomics: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mark-bjornsgaard_extinctionomics-by-roc-sandford-activity-7149395853797912577-pKw3

Here is the PDF, if you cannot access the above LinkedIn post:


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